I am certain your ability to connect with me and my life story, your phenomenal deep listening skills, and your expertise in how to captivate the audience paved the road to a successful presentation.
- Dr. Tonia Lediju, Director of City Audits
“You opened my heart and my voice, and I so appreciate the many ways you helped me get my thoughts together. You made this process such fun and so stress-free!”
If you have an upcoming presentation -- speaking on a panel, introducing an honoree, going to a job interview, exchanging your vows, giving an important toast -- and want help organizing your thoughts, this is the service for you. No speaking engagement is ever too small to work with a trusted coach and expert. Learn more here.
A methodical yet out-of-the-ordinary deep dive into your story and your message. You will step into new territory as a speaker and communicator. Together, we will create the content of your speech or presentation. Or, if you already have content, we can review, edit and crystallize the message. Learn more here.
This premier service is for you if you are seeking to make a large scale impact with your speech, TED Talk or TEDx. I offer a customized yet methodical process where you will create a stunning and emotionally stirring speech that will touch the lives of those who are fortunate enough to hear it. Learn more here.