Leadership Presence

Leadership may come from within, but let’s face it, if you want to make an impact you need to communicate out loud with your team, stakeholders, and clients. I offer a highly specialized blend of 1:1 leadership and storytelling coaching so you can communicate with the confidence and clarity you need to make others come along with you. We’ll work in partnership to ensure that you’re sharing your voice, your vision and leading…so others will listen.

  • Initial intake session includes a deep dive into your story

  • Two brief assessments

  • Subsequent sessions scheduled on a bi-weekly basis or before upcoming speeches, presentations, meetings or interactions with team members, stakeholders, or clients

Please inquire for individual and corporate rates and packages.


I found Katherine after struggling to figure out why I was making it to final interviews at 'dream' companies who said they loved me, then getting rejected. I had been hesitant for months to ask for professional career help, but my endurance was wearing thin and the feedback was basically showing that I wasn't getting my core message and abilities across in a way that clicked.

In just three sessions, she helped me to practice coaxing out pieces of myself that I tend to keep out of the spotlight, and I received three offers at the same time. I couldn't have done it without Katherine's ability to listen and guide me to where I needed to be. I definitely plan to work with her again as I find new mountains to climb in my career.


Product Designer


Katherine is an incredible listener and has a rare gift of making you feel completely heard. Because of this, she helps you overcome self doubt, ease anxiety and tap into your best self.-


Wealth Manager, Capital Group


Before I started working with Katherine, I would objectively describe my public speaking as poor. Many times I would wake up in a cold sweat thinking about my next speech. The day of, I would have visions of getting hit by a bus or falling ill with some undesirable disease in the hope of not having to talk.

 All of this fundamentally changed for me during my work with Katherine. She is deft at helping you find your story and how your audience is primed to hear from you. This changed my entire thinking about public speaking. I now go into speeches excited and focused on the opportunity to capture an audience and get them excited about what I am saying.

The culmination of our work together was during an end-of-the year speech. I felt excited about the content and confident about my delivery. Afterwards, I received numerous complements on both. I have Katherine to thank for this. It was the best year of coaching I could have ever hoped for.   


Head of School, The Overlake School


I had never worked with a speech coach before and was hesitant to hire one because I don't speak at large events, keynotes, conferences, etc. However, I am SO glad that I chose to work with Katherine because she gave me the confidence and tools to confidently speak in my everyday interactions. From meetings with senior executives to addressing a group of colleagues, I feel so much more prepared and self-assured. I would absolutely recommend Katherine to anyone wanting to broaden their speaking skills, and I look forward to continuing to work with her as I grow my career.


Program Manager, Salesforce

I can’t recommend Katherine enough! I went to her because I really wanted a tailored approach (we had four sessions) not just generic tips from a communications workshop. 

We got at the root Issues of some of my communication issues - which turned out wasn’t just about word choice and pace but about my internalized beliefs about myself.

She offered really practical tips. I got to practice critical meeting interactions (eg. I had 5 min of an hour long agenda) with her ahead of time and those went really well. I then reported back at our next session. 

My boss even recommended that my coworker go to Katherine because she saw the improvement in me.

- Linda T.

I wanted to share some exciting news with you! I recently got promoted to Director at the company I work for! This is a huge milestone in my professional career and wanted to share that working with you has been a key piece of it. 

A few months ago, an executive-level project came up and my SVP told my boss that the only one that could do it was me because my executive "poise". Again - thank you to help develop that poise! 

I do hope to work with you again soon as I would love to continue my communications journey with you (I still have a lot to learn and practice!) 

- Linda T.