Craft your story in 3 parts…

Storytelling is our most basic and most profound way of communicating. Knowing how to tell your story can be the difference between getting the job, landing the client, receiving the standing ovation—or not. It’s simple, but not easy. 

People come to me to when they have a keynote, TED-like talk, interview or just want to get more comfortable talking about themselves. They know something is missing but not sure what to include, what to take out. They want to make their story stick.

There’s an art and science to sticky stories. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 and I’m going to show you the Three Cs framework. 

The Three Cs framework will help you:

  • build your relationship with any audience — whether it’s an auditorium of people or conversation over lattes.

  • when you sit down to write, stand up to speak or just want to connect. 

  • learn and grow from the story your life is telling you. 

Once you learn it, you’ll see it everywhere. In books, movies, speeches, everywhere. And you’ll notice when one of the pieces is missing, too. 

I call it The Three Cs:






When you share a challenge, you’re letting someone stand in your shoes and feel your vulnerability. You’re opening up about something you found hard. You’re intentionally dropping the veneer of perfection and we can’t help but feel closer to you and therefore trust you.

When you explain how you handled it—that’s the choice part of the journey—we get to know your value system.

And lastly, stories are about transcendence. When you express how you’ve changed on the inside from this experience and what meaning you are making, oxytocin (the love drug) shoots through our systems and for that moment, we are transformed with you.

I’ve helped clients apply these 3 Cs to describe their product design, pitch their business, talk about themselves, write a Keynote, prepare for an interview. I’ve designed speaker programs with this in mind. I’ve improved About Me page copy using this framework.

That’s why I’m excited to announce a new workshop being held at Speechskills called Pitch Yourself! For people who want to work on how to tell their story in an interview. Any kind of interview.

I’m also in the process of creating a storytelling course for people who want to create their signature story and message for a TED-like talk. Let me know if you are interested!

As always I offer 1:1 speech and storytelling coaching for those of you interested in more personalized work together. 

Any which way, I can’t wait to work with you.

jessica bonin