I have a story that will help you get closer to your own.

I'm excited to announce the much anticipated release of my first book, 

Speaking To What Matters:

My story of learning how
to share what’s inside

Presales begin TODAY, September 13th
>> Pre-Order your Kindle Version HERE <<

Full Release
(Hardcover + Kindle) 
September 25th

Drumroll please for my cover reveal...

Please spread the love!

I learned how to help people tell their story by asking one simple question: What is it like to be in your shoes?

This book, this story—is a response to years of learning how to help people go deeper. This time, the story is my own.

I wrote this little book because my stories were starting to spill out of my heart and onto the page. And because I believe every one’s story is meant to be heard, including mine.

So I wrote it for myself first and foremost.

And yet there was an instinct that the finding-writing-telling and putting it into book form would touch and help others. 

It has taken two years to have the courage and confidence to share it as it is, as I am. Here it is, here I am. 

I've learned you don't need a full length story to tell your story.

You don’t need to be an award-winning writer to tell your story.

What you need is an open heart, and a commitment to yourself, and a community of support.

You have been my support. You are my community. I’m so honored to be in your inbox. You’ve been reading, responding and listening to my stories for years. I’m so grateful.  

I’m looking for advanced readers who will:

  • read the book (you'll get a free digital copy)

  • review the book 

  • buy the book (either kindle or hardcover) 

  • share the book

If you are interested in being an advanced reader, you can signup here. 

One thing I know for sure, is that when you read my story you will be able to see yourself more clearly. 
Our story is a path to deeper intimacy with everyone (including the most important person you know–YOU!)

I hope this blooper from my prologue reading gives you a good laugh! 

"Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most important, laugh at yourself."
- Chelsea Handler 

Katherine Kennedy