Why this little book can have a big impact

I was standing in front of Gate 201, catching my breath. I’d run through the busy terminal expecting a long line only to find one person at the other end: the United gate agent. As she lifted her portable radio to make an announcement, I leaned over, unzipped my carry-on, and stuck my hand in the sea of clothes stuffed inside.

 “Oh, I need to get my book,” I mutter to myself.

“What book is that?” We locked eyes as she put the mini radio down by her side. She added, “Cuz usually all I see are people on their phones.”

 The 16 ounce beer at the airport bar was kicking in as I volunteered, “Oh, it's my book. I wrote it actually.”

 “Can I see?” She asked as her spare, salad-tong hand gripped the book.

 Her eyes focused, her smile widened, and she exclaimed, “Oh I love the cover.”

 Then she turned it over and read the words on the back… out loud.

 This little book can have a big impact.

May it open your heart.

May it inspire you to connect more deeply with those you love.

May you discover how this is not just a story about me but about you, too.

 I held my breath as I witnessed what happened next. Her eyes welled up with tears. She looked at me, paused and then spoke about some tough circumstances she’d overcome in the past few years. The space between us got a little closer as I listened. Then I told her how grateful I was that she was sharing - and how important it is to share what’s inside.

 We realized the line was starting to form, so I gave her a hug, asked for her email and walked down the ramp with Duncan beaming, “That interaction alone made three years of effort worth it!”

 Because when we open up, we come alive. And when we connect at that truthful, authentic level with someone - oh it just makes my heart sing.

 I think about how if I had been on my phone, scrolling, looking for something, how I might have missed that moment.

And the presence of the book. A literal non-digital thing. The book and the message evoked the storytelling, and brought forth a deeper expression of what she was feeling inside. Our brief interaction made an impact.

 And that is why I wanted to write this book. My dad was getting sick. COVID was here. There was limited time. I made meaning of the time by turning it into something larger.

I also had the sense that even though my family had grown super close there were stories we had never talked about, and the sharing of this would create healing and rich conversations. Which it did, and frankly, continues to do.

 My story is a journey of learning how to share what’s deep inside and ultimately get closer, more connected to the people I love the most. And now to people I get to meet, like her.

 I hope this book evokes something inside of you too: your own desire to open up and tell your story, dig a little deeper and connect more closely to the people who matter in your life.

 I can’t wait for you to get your hands on it! You can preorder the Kindle version here and the full release (hardcover and kindle) will be released on Monday, September 25th! 

 We all have a story to tell, including you. And who knows, we may get a little closer, too.

Katherine Kennedy