Uncover Your Truth: Join Me on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Storytelling

When I was 17 years old, a school counselor pulled me into his office and asked me, “Are you okay?” I couldn’t speak. I was too afraid. But the tears flowed. That day, he saw my struggle. He felt my sadness. And despite our differences, he saw me as the human I am.
I didn’t know at the time how pivotal that keeping-everything-inside-moment was but that is what story work does. It helps you connect the dots. It helps you find, see and accept your life as a story. It helps you find, see and accept yourself. The person you were, the person you are, and the person you are becoming.
Writing my story was an emotional journey. I centered the narrative around my relationship with my father, my central challenge of holding everything inside and how those unresolved issues showed up later in my marriage – and what choices I made to change. I didn’t throw anyone under the bus; I didn’t have to, but I was very honest and intimate.
I set out to write a read-in-one-or-two-sittings book that would express the deepest truth of my story and the wisdom I had to offer others. I wanted to uncover and unleash the stories that I was taught unconsciously and consciously to bury. And I wanted my story to inspire others to share an important story of their own and introduce a simple framework to be able to tell their own.
Listen, I’ve been doing this work for almost 30 years, and it still took me THREE years to have the courage to share my story. We can only move as fast as our central nervous system feels safe, and that has certainly been true for me.
But I tapped into everything I’ve learned over those three decades to find, write and share my story. My Three C’s framework sure came in handy. I used it in my ‘Embrace Your Story Guide (free on my website) and I will use it in an upcoming course I am offering in February (check it out here). With this simple framework, you will see the choices you made to create the life you are living. You will see yourself more clearly – and be able to share that story with others. 
This 6 week-course  (which will be on Zoom) will be a small intimate group experience--with one high impact coaching call with me. You will walk away with a longer and shorter version of your story and a deeper, clearer understanding of yourself. Here is the link to learn more about the course offering.

If you want to deepen your relationship with yourself and others...
If you want show up and be more of the person you want to be...
If you want to get clear with your story is and figure how to share it...
This deep yet practical work may be calling to you.
In this process of finding, writing and sharing your story you will get closer to the truth of who you are. Because when we find our words, we find our truth…when we find our truth, we find ourselves.
My mother has always said, “Be the person you want to be.” I always wanted to think of myself as Brave. I’m grateful I do now.

Questions? Let’s schedule a 30 minute call to discuss what-is-calling-you and we can see what is the right fit. Email me here

Katherine Kennedy