What I’ve learned about storytelling

Most of us get it wrong
Most of us think we need to know exactly what to say 
to feel in control
to get our point across
to get the job, the date, the standing ovation
to have the hard conversation.

Storytelling coaching is what I offer, it’s what I sell 
But IF I could really tell you what you need: it is that you need to feel safe
Yeah you can learn a structure or framework
Yeah a clear message helps
Yeah finding the stories that move you and will move others…I love all that stuff
BUT what you need more than anything is to feel like you're enough, you’re okay.

It’s so hard to speak if you think you are going to be judged
It's almost impossible to stand in front of others if you think you will be eaten
But if your central nervous system believes that no matter what you say 
you will be loved
you are indeed love-able
what you say matters
then you will be able to connect with whomever it is you are trying to connect with.

I spend a lot of time helping people find the words they want to say
I connect dots, I listen deeply, I hold space
We find your storyline, anecdotes that illuminate a point, what you stand for
We go there, we extract your kernels of truth, we find strength in your vulnerability
We tap into the clarity you already have inside of you.

What I’ve learned about storytelling is that each of us has untapped wisdom that can be found through our stories
You can undo the story you tell yourself by bringing your inside thoughts and feelings to light
What you are afraid of sharing is often exactly what you need to share
People want to connect with your heart
Simple is better
Doing the work takes commitment, curiosity and courage
Your voice gets more powerful the more you use it
And the best way to be seen, heard and understood is to listen longer and deeper to the people you want to reach.

So come to me if you need a partner – someone to help sift through the mud, excavate the story, be a mirror
Come to me if you have a moment you’re preparing for and you want it to be the fullest expression of yourself 
Come to me even if you have a story that isn't ready for an audience, a story that is getting in the way 
Or come to me if you have an idea, a hunger, a whisper about a way to express yourself, reinvent yourself or chart a new path.

Your story is a gift
Your story is the key to learning about who you are and why you’re here
When you find the courage to speak your truth
The act of finding, seeing and telling your story becomes the passage to a deeper awareness of yourself and the freedom that you seek.

I would be honored to be a part of your journey.

"Over the years of my cancer diagnoses, I thought it would be helpful for me and my community to hear from me and tell my story through a blog. I reached out to Katherine and she listened so deeply that she could find the beat of my own thoughts. She made me feel confident in the stories I chose to tell. And she made me feel safe enough to take the risk to let myself be seen in this way. My own inner critique was omnipresent and Katherine helped me to talk back to it, and challenged me to find the strength to tell my story. I am forever grateful to Katherine for her love and her expertise."

 – Jessica

Katherine Kennedy