Little sayings, big values and making the world better

Growing up, my dad had lots of sayings but ‘with privilege goes responsibility’ was one of his favorites. This maxim led me to working with Summer Search for 20 years helping kids chart a new course for their lives.

In 2015, I wanted to chart a new course of my own by using the intricate skills I had learned to help people tell their story. I wasn’t sure if there was a market for “speaking with authenticity and confidence” but lo and behold it’s been an incredible journey. 

People from all industries come to me for coaching for all sorts of reasons [concrete ones like storytelling for presentations, toasts, speeches and other times for ongoing communications and workshops] but the through-line is the same: the desire to be more comfortable, more real, and to connect more effectively.

As we close out 2022, I want to thank and highlight a few of my mission-minded clients from the past year. It’s a true privilege to wake up everyday and interact with these courageous, insightful, kind human beings who also feel great responsibility to making the world a better place. Please click on their logo to learn more!


Enterprise For Youth

Enterprise For Youth empowers young people to prepare for and discover career opportunities

Lindsey, Melissa, Oscar and Lamiya and their stories are the centerpiece of Enterprise’s Heroes at Work annual fundraising event.


The DRK Foundation finds, funds and supports early stage, high impact social enterprises that are tackling some of the world's greatest challenges.

Sarah Johnson, Founder of Teaching Lab & Jacob Martinez, Founder of Digital Nest capture, move, and inspire their audience.


Amigos builds young leaders through transformational service and immersion in Latin America.

You could hear a pin drop as Alumna and U. of Houston student, Perla, told her story.


Quinn is shaking up the food industry by reinventing snacks.

Kristy Lewis, Founder and Chief Visionary, rocks the stage!

Sparrow Educational 

Sparrow 'lowers the heat" on the college process by focusing on finding the right-fit.


CMG works to increase social and ecological wellbeing through artful design.

Kate, Mwinyi, Rayna and Willett shared their culture, work, and personal experiences with landscape in a special Inside the Studio session.

Sustainable Conservation

Sustainable Conservation advances the collaborative stewardship of California’s land, air, and water for the benefit of nature and people.

Guacamole Airplane

Guacamole Airplane works on sustainable packaging through innovative design.

Stanford D School

Stanford D School uses design to develop creative potential.

I loved being a guest facilitator with Stanford D School’s Creative Gym class!

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season. Let's tell stories that make a difference together again in 2023...

Katherine Kennedy